The Spanish Polemic on Colonisation
Part three: Bartolomé de Las Casas and Revolutionary Theocracy
Translations are mine (JM) except where otherwise specified.
(1) Carl Schmitt: Der Nomos der Erde.
(2) Las Casas in Hispaniola/Nicaragua/Guatemala: Bernard Lavallé: Bartolomé de Las Casa, Chapters 5 and 6.
(3) Bartolomé de Las Casas: 'Apologia' in Obras Completas 9, p. 349.
(4) Christiane Reinhardt: Die Kolonisations und Missionsprojekte des Bartolomé de las Casas, p. 164.
(5) Lavallé op. cit., p. 131.
(6) Juan Friede: 'Las Casas and Indigenism in the Sixteenth Century', in Friede and Keen: Bartolomé de Las Casas in History, pp. 143-146.
(7) Ibid., pp. 137-139.
(8) Ibid., p. 174.
(9) Ibid., p. 169.
(10) Ibid., p. 170.
(11) Las Casas in Chiapas from Lavallé, op. cit., Chap. 8.
(12) Practising pagan rites and ceremonies in Jean Dumont: El amanecer de los derechos del hombre, p. 147.
(13) Lavallé, op. cit., p. 165.
(14) Dumont, op. cit., pp. 114-116.
(15) Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: Democrates Segundo, p. 305.
(16) Angel Losada in his introduction to Las Casas: Obras Completas 9, p. 18.
(17) Dumont, op. cit., p. 156.
(18) N. Capdevila: La controverse entre Las Casas et Sepúlveda, p. 73.
(19) Francisco de Vitoria: On the Indians Lately Discovered. This translation can be found online and I use it here. There is little difference in the more recent translation in Vitoria: Political Writings, tr. Anthony Pagden and Jeremy Lawrence.
(20) Sections quoted will be found in Bate’s translation of De Indis Relectio Prior. In Pagden and Lawrence whether the Indians have true dominion is discussed pp. 233-251, the unjust titles pp. 251-277, the possibly just titles 277-291.
(21) In Victoria: Political Writings, p. xxviii.
(22) Dumont, op. cit., pp. 87-89.
(23) Victoria: Political Writings, pp. 225-228. These lectures are not included in Bate’s translation.
(24) See Dumont ,op. cit., p. 99.
(25) Schmitt, op.cit., p. 71.
(26) Ibid., p. 79, p. 83.
(27) Ibid., p. 80.
(28) Ibid., pp. 81-82.
(29) Ibid., p. 77.
(30) Ibid., p. 78.
(31) Ibid., p. 92.
(32) Las Casas: Obras Completas 9, pp. 627-629.