The bibliography can be downloaded as a document in Word format here
The Spanish Polemic on Colonisation
M. Bakhtine: L’oeuvre de François Rabelais et la culture populaire au Moyen Age et sous le Renaissance, Paris 1970.
Fanny Bandelier: The Journey of Alvar Nuňez Cabeza de Vaca and His Companions from Florida to the Pacific, New York 1905.
M. Bataillon: Erasme et l’Espagne, Paris 1937.
Aubrey Bell: Juan Gines de Sepulveda, Oxford 1925.
L. Bethell (ed): Cambridge History of Latin America Vol. 1, Cambridge 1984.
Columbus, see Kolumbus.
N. Capdevila: La controverse entre Las Casas et Sepúlveda: Précedé de Imperialisme, empire et destruction, Paris 2007.
Daniel Castro: Another Face of Empire. Bartolomé de Las Casas, Indigenous Rights, and Ecclesiastical Imperialism, Durham NC, 2007.
Lawrence A. Clayton: Bartolomé de Las Casas: A Biography, New York 2012.
Paulino Delgado: La Teocracia Pontifical en las Controversias sobre el Nuevo Mundo, Mexico 1996.
P. J. Duffy, D. Edwards and L. FitzPatrick (eds): Gaelic Ireland c. 1250-c.1650 ed., Dublin 2001.
Jean Dumont: El amanecer de los derechos del hombre. La Controversia de Valladolid, Madrid 2009.
Erasmus: Collected Works (CW) published in Toronto.
- Briefe, ed./tr. W Köhler, Leipzig 1938.
- Enchiridion Militis Christiani, ed. Anne M. O’Donnell, Oxford 1981.
- The Complaint of Peace, tr. T. Paynell, Chicago 1917.
- Paraclesis, included in El Enquiridion o manual del caballero cristiano, tr. D. Alonso, Madrid 1932.
- [On free will] O svobodné vůli, tr. K. Korteová, Praha 2006.
- [Replying to Luther’s reply] Schutzschrift (Hyperaspistes) gegen Martin Luthers Buch “vom unfreien Willen” Teil I, tr. O. H. Mehl, Ditzingen 1986.
- Ciceronianus, or A Dialogue on the Best Style of Speaking, tr. I. Scott, New York 1908.
Miguel Gimenez Fernandez: Bartolomé de las Casas Vol. 2, Sevilla 1960.
Friede, J. and Keen, B. eds., Bartolomé de Las Casas in History, De Kalb, Illinois 1971.
Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa: History of the Incas, tr. Clements Markham, Ontario 2000.
Giraldus Cambrensis: The Topography of Ireland, tr. Thomas Forester, Ontario 2000.
Gunther Hamann: Der Eintritt der südlichen Hemisphäre in die europäische Geschichte. Die Erschliessung des Afrikaweges nach Asien vom Zeitalter Heinrichs des Seefahrers bis zu Vasco da Gama, Verlag Böhlau, Wien 1968.
Lewis Hanke: All Mankind Is One, DeKalb, Illinois 1974.
- The First Social Experiments in America, Cambridge 1935.
- The Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America, Philadelphia 1949.
Benjamin Hazard: Faith and Patronage. The Political Career of Flaithrí Ó Maolchonaire, Dublin 2010.
Joaquín García Icazbalceta (ed): Colección de documentos para la historia de México, Vol. 1, Mexico 1858.
Richard L. Kagan: Clio and the Crown: The Politics of History in Medieval and Early Modern Spain, Baltimore 2009.
Kolumbus: Der erste Brief aus der Neuen Welt, tr. R. Wallisch, Stuttgart 2000.
Bartolomé de Las Casas: Aqui se contiene una disputa, o controversia… The text can be found online e.g. at French translation by Nestor Capdevila in Capdevila: 'La controverse entre Las Casas et Sepúlveda'.
- Apologética Historia de las Indias, Madrid 1909.
- Del único modo de atraer a todos los pueblos a la verdadera religión, ed. L. Hanke, Mexico 1975.
- Obras Completas 9, ed. Angel Losada, Madrid 1988.
- Tratados de Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas II, Mexico 1965.
Bernard Lavallé: Bartolomé de Las Casas. Entre la Espada y la Cruz, Barcelona 2009.
Miguel Leon-Portilla (ed): Aztec Thought and Culture: A Study of the Ancient Nahuatl Mind, Oklahoma 1963.
- Visión de los vencidos. Relaciones indigenas de la conquista, Mexico 1959.
A. Losada: Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda a través de su epistolario y nuevos documentos, Madrid 1973.
Martin Luther: On the Enslaved Will, tr. Henry Cole, Camberwell Grove 1931.
- “Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants” in Documents of Modern History, ed/tr E. J. Rupp and B. Drewery, London 1970.
Daniel MacCarthy: Life and Letters of Florence MacCarthy Reagh, Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1867.
Juan F. Maura: El gran burlador de Ámerica: Álvar Nuňez Cabeza de Vaca, Valencia 2011.
M. Menéndez y Pelayo: 'Genesii Sepulvedae Cordubensis Democrates Alter, sive de justis belli causis apud Indos' in Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, 1892.
Manfred Merluzza: 'Native Americans under the Castilian Crown: Resettlement Policy in 16th Century Peru' in G. Hálfdanarson (ed), Discrimination and Tolerance in Historical Perspective, Pisa 2008.
John Minahane: The Christian Druids: on the filid or philosopher-poets of Ireland, Howth Free Press, Dublin 2008.
Thomas More: Utopia tr. P. Turner, London 2009.
Dáibhí Ó Cróinín: The Kings Depart: The Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon Royal Exile in the Sixth and Seventh Centuries,Cambridge 2007.
B. Ó Cuív (ed): 'A Poem on the Í Néill', Celtica 2, 1954.
Edmundo O’Gorman: 'Comentarios a un Nuevo libro sobre el padre Las Casas' in Estudios de historia novohispana VI, Mexico 1971.
Conor O’Mahony: An Argument Defending the Right of the Kingdom of Ireland, Aubane 2008.
On the Indians Lately Discovered: De indis et de ivre belli ed. Ernest Nys, tr. John Pawley Bate, New York, 1917.
Anthony Pagden: The Fall of Natural Man, Cambridge 1982.
- Lords of All the World, New Haven 1995.
Christiane Reinhardt: Die Kolonisations und Missionsprojekte des Bartolomé de las Casas, Doct. Thesis, University of Vienna 1964
Sarkisyanz, M., Hitler’s English Inspirers, Athol Books Belfast 2003.
Carl Schmitt: Der Nomos der Erde im Völkerrecht des Ius Publicum Europaeum, Köln 1950.
Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda: 'Democrates Segundo', ed. M. Menéndez y Pelayo, Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia, t. 21, 1892.
- Joannis Genesii Sepulvedae cordubensis opera, Madrid 1780.
- Obras Completas (OC) in 17 volumes, Pozoblanco. Vol 3, 1997; vol 6, 2001; vol 7, 2003; vol 9, 2007; vol 15, 2010.
James Shapiro: 1599 - A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare, London 2005.
Igor Perez Tostado, Irish Influence at the Court of Spain in the Seventeenth Century, Dublin 2008.
Richard Tuck, The Rights of War and Peace, Oxford 1999.
Alvar Nuňez Cabeza de Vaca: Naufragios y comentarios, Madrid 1922.
Francisco de Vitoria: On the Indians Lately Discovered: De indis et de ivre belli, ed. Ernest Nys, tr. John Pawley Bate (New York 1917). Also accessible online.
- Political Writings, tr. Anthony Pagden and Jeremy Lawrence, Cambridge 1991.