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(with no pretentions to completeness)
Antliff, Mark: Inventing Bergson, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1993.
— and Patricia Leighten: Cubism and Culture, Thames and Hudson, London and New York, 2001.
— A Cubism Reader - Documents and Criticism, 1906-1914, University of Chicago Press, 2008
Apollinaire, Guillaume: Chroniques d’Art, 1902-1918, Gallimard, Paris, 1981.
— Méditations Esthétiques - Les Peintres Cubistes, Hermann, Paris, 1965. 1st ed, Figuière, Paris, 1913. English translation by Peter Read: The Cubist Painters, Artists' Bookworks, Forest Row, 2002.
Assouline, Pierre: L’Homme de l’art – D.H.Kahnweiler, 1884-1979, Balland (Folio), Paris, 1988.
Barzun, Henri-Martin: L'Ere du drame, essai de synthèse poétique moderne, Paris, Eugène Figuière; London, Stephen Swift, 1912.
— Fondations de l'Europe, Paris, Eds Povolozky, c1920.
Bergson, Henri: Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience, PUF, Paris, 1985.
Bernier, Georges and Schneider-Manoury, Monique: Robert et Sonia Delaunay - Naissance de l'art abstrait, Eds Jean-Claude Lattès, 1995
Billy, André: Max Jacob, Editions Pierre Seghers, Paris, 1965.
Boyle-Turner, Caroline: Paul Sérusier, Bowker, Epping, c 1983.
Briend, Christian et al: Albert Gleizes - le Cubisme en majesté, exhibition catalogue, Musée Picasso, Barcelona and Musée des Beaux-Arts, Lyon, 2001.
Brooke, Peter: Albert Gleizes - For and Against the Twentieth Century, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2001. See also Gleizes: Painting and its Laws, Severini: From Cubism to Classicism, Gleizes: Art and Religion, Lenz: Aesthetic of Beuron.
Cabanne, Pierre: Entretiens avec Marcel Duchamp, Eds Pierre Belford, Paris, 1967. Reprinted Somogy, Paris, 1995. Eng Trans: Dialogues with Marcel Duchamp, Thames & Hudson, London, 1971.
Cassou, Jean et al.: Hommage – Albert Gleizes, Atelier de la Rose, Lyon, 1954.
— Jacques Villon, exhibition catalogue, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen and Grand Palais, Paris, 1975.
Chipp, Herschel B.: Theories of Modern Art, University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1968.
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: Biographia Literaria, Everyman's Library, London, 1937 (first published 1817).
Coplestone, Frederick: A History of Philosophy, vol 9, pt 1, Image, New York, 1977.
Cottington, David: Cubism in the Shadow of War – the avant garde and politics in Paris, 1905-1914, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1998.
Debray, Cécile and Lucbert, Françoise (ed): La Section d'Or, Exhibition catalogue, Châteauroux and Montpellier, Eds cercle d'Art, 2000.
Delaunay, Robert: Du Cubisme à l’art abstrait – documents edited by Pierre Francastel, S.E.V.P.E.N, Paris 1957.
Escholier, Raymond: La Peinture française au XX° siècle, Paris, 1937.
Fabre, Gladys: Albert Gleizes et l'Abbaye de Créteil in Briend et al: Albert Gleizes.
Fry, Edward F. (ed): Cubism, Thames & Hudson, London, 1966.
Gleizes, Albert:
— Art et Religion, Art et Science, Art et Production, Editions Présence, Chambéry, 1970. In English, translation with introduction and notes by Peter Brooke, as Art and Religion, Art and Science, Art and Production, Francis Boutle publishers, London, 1999.
— 'Cubisme devant les artistes' - reply to an Inquiry in Annales politiques et littéraires, December 1912.
— Du Cubisme et des moyens de le comprendre, La Cible (Povolozky), Paris, 1920.
— Homocentrisme, Moly Sabata, Sablons, 1937 and Association des Amis d’Albert Gleizes, Ampuis 1997.
— Kubismus, Bauhausbücher 13, Albert Langen Verlag, Munich 1928. Reprinted, Florian Kupferberg Verlag, Mainz, 1980.
— La Peinture et ses Lois, ce qui devait sortir du Cubisme, Paris 1924 and in La Vie des Lettres et des Arts, vol xii, n° 5, nd [1922 or 3]. English translation, Painting and Its Laws (published with Severini: From Cubism to Classicism), Francis Boutle publishers, London, 2000.
— ‘La Peinture Moderne’ in 391, n° 5, 5 June, 1917. Same text as Le Cubisme.
— 'L'Épopée', in Le Rouge et le Noir, 1929. Reprinted in Gleizes: Puissances du Cubisme. English translation The Epic, Association des Amis d'Albert Gleizes, Ampuis, 1995.
— Le Cubisme, [no publisher given], Geneva, 1918. Same text as ‘La Peinture Moderne'.
— Peinture et de L’homme devenu peintre, Fondation Albert Gleizes/SOMOGY éditions d’art, Paris, 1998.
— Peinture et perspective descriptive, Moly Sabata, Sablons, 1927. Reprinted in Puissances du Cubisme, Editions Présence, Chambéry, 1969.
— Puissances du Cubisme, Editions Présence, Chambéry, 1969.
— Tradition et Cubisme – vers une conscience plastique, Jacques Povolozky, Paris, 1927.
and Jean Metzinger: Du "Cubisme", Eugene Figuière, Paris 1912. Reprinted with preface by Gleizes, Compagnie Française des Arts Graphiques, 1947, Editions Présence, Aubard 1980, and Hermann, Paris, 2012. English translation, Cubism, T.Fisher Unwin, London 1913. A version of this with variations is given in Robert L. Herbert (ed): Modern Artists on Modern Art, Prentice Hall, New Jersey 1964. See also Antliff and Leighten: Cubism Reader.
Goldberg, Nancy Sloan: En l'honneur de la juste parole, Peter Lang, New York, 1993.
Gray, Christopher: Cubist Aesthetic Theories, The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1953.
Green, Christopher: Art in France, 1900-1940, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 2000.
— Cubism and its Enemies, Yale University Press, New Haven & London, 1987.
— Juan Gris, Whitechapel Art Gallery/Yale University Press, New Haven & London,1992.
Hambidge, Jay: The Elements of Dynamic Symmetry, Dover Books, New York, 1967 (first published in The Diagonal, 1919 and 1920).
Henderson, Linda Dalrymple: The Fourth Dimension and Non-Euclidean Geometry in Modern Art, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1983.
Homer, William Innes: Seurat and the Science of Painting, the M.I.T.Press, Cambridge, Massachussets, 1964.
Janneau, Guillaume: L’Art Cubiste, Editions d’Art Charles Moreau, Paris, 1929.
Kahnweiler, Daniel Henry: Confessions esthétiques, Gallimard, Paris, 1963.
— Der Weg zum Kubismus, Delphin-Verlag, Munich, 1920 (under pseudonym of Daniel Henry). French translation in Confessions esthétiques. English translation: The Rise of Cubism, Wittenborn-Schulz, New York, 1949.
— Juan Gris: sa vie, son oeuvre, ses écrits, Gallimard, Collection Folio, Paris, 1990.
— Mes galeries et mes peintres – entretiens avec Francis Crémieux, Gallimard, Paris, 1961. English translation: My Galleries and Painters, Thames & Hudson, London, 1971.
Lahoda, Vojtech: 'Cubist Imperialism' - Du "Cubisme" by Gleizes and Metzinger viewed from a Czech perspective, unpublished ms, ND.
Léger, Fernand: Fonctions de la peinture, Gallimard, Paris, 1997 (first published, éds Denoël-Gonthier, 1965). Eng translation: Functions of Painting, Thames & Hudson, London, 1973.
— 'Les Origines de la peinture contemporain et sa valeur représentative', Montjoie!, nos.8, Paris, 21/5/1913 and 9/10, 14-19/6/1913. Reprinted in Fonctions de la peinture.
— 'Les Réalisations picturales actuelles', Les Soirées de Paris, III, no.25, 15/6/1914. Reprinted in Fonctions de la peinture.
Leighten, Patricia, see Antliff, Mark
Lenz, P.Desiderius: Zur Ästhetik der Beuroner Schule, Vienna/Leipzig, 1898; translated into French by Paul Sérusier with an introduction by Maurice Denis as L’esthétique de Beuron, Paris, 1905; translated into English by John Connolly and John Minahane as The Aesthetic of Beuron, Francis Boutle publishers, London, 2002.
Malevich, Kasimir: Malevich on Suprematism - Six Essays: 1915-1926, Museum of Art, University of Iowa, 1999.
Maxe, Jean (pseudonym): L'"Abbaye" et le Bolchévisme, Cahiers de l'Anti-France, Paris, ND.
Metzinger, Jean: ‘Note sur la peinture’, Pan n° 10, Oct-Nov 1910.
— 'Alexandre Mercereau', Vers et prose 27, Oct-Dec 1911, pp.122-29.
— Le Cubisme était Né, Présence, Chambéry, 1972 and Paris, Hermann, 2012
— 'Kubistická Technika', Volné Smery, xvii, 1913
and see Gleizes, Albert
Meyer, Richard: '"Big, Middle-Class Modernism"', October, Vol. 131 (Winter 2010), pp. 69-115
Miller, Arthur J.: Einstein, Picasso, Basic Books, New York, 2001.
Mondrian, Piet: Le Néo-Plasticisme: Principe Général de l’Equivalence Plastique, Galerie de l’Effort Moderne, Paris, 1920.
Nakov, Andrei: Abstrait/Concret - Art non-objectif russe et polonais, Transédition, Paris [?], 1981.
Nash, John: 'The Nature of Cubism’, Art History, vol 3 n° 4, December 1980.
Ozenfant, Amédée and Jeanneret, Edouard [Le Corbusier]: Après le Cubisme, Editions des Commentaires, Paris,1918.
Pierre, Arnauld: 'Of White and Black' in Kupka, Frank: In White and Black, Artists Bookworks/Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 1998.
Plekhanov. G.V.: Art and Social Life, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977.
Railing, Patricia: From Science to Systems of Art - on Russian Abstract Art and Language, 1910-1920, and other essays, Artists Bookworks, Forest Row, Sussex, 1989.
— 'Jean Metzinger and Liubov Popova's "Figures", InCoRM [International Chamber of Russian Modernism] Journal, Vol 1, No 1, 2009
Richardson, John: A Life of Picasso, vol 2, 1907-1917 – The Painter of Modern Life, Jonathan Cape, London, 1996.
Robbins, Daniel: Albert Gleizes, 1881-1953, a retrospective exhibition, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1964 (French ed: Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris, 1964).
— 'Abbreviated Historiography of Cubism', Art Journal, Winter 1988, Vol.47, no.4.
— ‘Jean Metzinger, at the Centre of Cubism’ in Joan Moser: Jean Metzinger in Retrospect, Exhibition catalogue, University of Iowa, Iowa, 1985.
— ‘Le Fauconnier and Cubism’ in Henri Le Fauconnier (1881-1946): a pioneer Cubist, exhibition catalogue, Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, New York, 1990, n.p..
— The Formation and Maturity of Albert Gleizes, 1881 through 1920, unpubl Ph.D. thesis, New York University, 1975. Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Rousseau, Pascal et al.: Robert Delaunay, 1906-1914, de l'Impressionisme à l'Abstraction, Eds du Centre Pompidou, Paris, 1999.
— "L'Age des synthèses" - l'oeuvre d'Albert Gleizes à Barcelone (1912-16) in Briend, Christian et al: Albert Gleizes.
Rubin, William: Picasso et Braque – L’invention du Cubisme, Flammarion, Paris, 1990. French translation of Picasso and Braque – Pioneering Cubism, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1990.
Schneider-Manoury, Monique see Bernier, Georges
Sénéchal, Christian: L'Abbaye de Créteil, André Delpeuch, Paris. 1930.
Serge, Victor: Memoirs of a Revolutionary, 1901-1941, Oxford University Press, 1963.
Severini, Gino Du Cubisme au Classicisme: esthétique du compas et du nombre, Jacques Povolozky, Paris 1921. English translation: Severini: From Cubism to Classicism, Francis Boutle publishers, London, 2000.(published with Gleizes: Painting and Its Laws).
Signac, Paul: D’Eugene Delacroix au Néo-Impressionnisme, Hermann, Paris 1978. English translation in Rockefeller University Press, New York 1992.
Sorel, Georges: 'Contributions psycho-physiques à l'étude esthétique', Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger, !890, pt 1, Jan-June, pp.561 et seq; pt 2, July-Dec, pp.22 et seq.
— 'Esthétique et psychophysique' , Revue philosophique de la France et de l'étranger, !890, pt 1 in t.xxix, Jan-June, pp.82-4.
Tomkins, Calvin: Duchamp, a biography, Pimlico, London, 1998.
Varichon, Anne et al: Albert Gleizes - Catalogue Raisonné, SOMOGY éditions d’art/Fondation Albert Gleizes, Paris, 1998.
Wikipedia. However disreputable it may be in the academic world to cite Wikipedia mention must be made of the excellent entries on Jean Metzinger and on a number of his most important paintings.