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Adams, Bruce: Rustic Cubism - Anne Dangar and the art colony at Moly-Sabata, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
Alibert, Pierre: Gleizes Biographie, Eds Galerie Michel Héraud, 1990.
Antliff, Mark and Leighten, Patricia: A Cubism Reader - Documents and Criticism, 1906-1914, University of Chicago Press, 2008.
L'Atelier de la Rose, articles from 1950-1958, Le Moulin de l'Étoile, 2008.
Brooke, Peter: Albert Gleizes - For and against the twentieth century, Yale University Press, 2001.
Brooke, Peter (ed): Gino Severini: From Cubism to Classicism; Albert Gleizes: Painting and its laws, Francis Boutle Publishers, London 2001.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda: 'The Christian and Oriental, or true, philosophy of art', essay first published in 1939, republished in Coomaraswamy: Christian and Oriental Philosophy of Art, New York, Dover publications, 1956.
-'The Philosophy of Mediaeval and Oriental Art', Zalmoxis: revue des études religieuses, No 1, Paris and Bucharest 1938. Reprinted in Lipsey 1977, vol i, pp. 43-70.
- 'Le Symbolisme de l'épée', Études traditionnelles, No 217, Jan 1938. Reprinted in English as part ii of 'Symbolism of the Dome' in Lipsey 1977, vol ii, pp. 432-440.
Coomaraswamy, Rama (ed): The Essential Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, World Wisdom Books, 2004.
Gleizes, Albert: 'Active tradition of the East and West' in Iyer 1947, pp.244-251.
- Homocentrisme, Moly Sabata, Sablons, 1937
- La Forme et l’Histoire, Jacques Povolozky, Paris 1932.
- L’homme devenu peintre, Fondation Albert Gleizes/SOMOGY éditions d’art, Paris 1998. The book was written in 1948.
- ‘Spiritualité, Rythme, Forme’, Confluences – les problèmes de la peinture, Lyon, 1945. Reprinted in Puissances du Cubisme, Chambery, Eds Présence, 1969.
- Vie et mort de l’occident chrétien, Eds Moly Sabata, Sablons, 1930
Guénon, René: Comptes rendus, Villain et Belhomme, Éditions Traditionnelles, 1973.
Havell, E.B.: Ideals of Indian Art, New York, Dutton, 1912 (first published London 1911)
Iyer, K. Bharatha: Art and Thought. Issued in honour of Dr. Ananda K. Coomaraswamy on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Luzac & Co, London, 1947.
Lipsey, Roger (ed): Coomaraswamy, 3 vols, Princeton University Press, 1977.
Pulby, Pierre: 'La tradition retrouvée par le métier', Études traditionnelles, No 203, Nov 1936.
- 'Homocentrisme ou le "Retour de l'homme chrétien"', Études traditionnelles, No 218, Feb 1938.
Shapley, John: [Account of Homocentrisme by Albert Gleizes], Art Bulletin vol xix, no 4, December 1937, p.606.
Singam, S.Durai Raja: Letters of Ananda Coomaraswamy, unpublished typescripts, vols i 1972, ii 1972, iii 1974, iv 1975, v 1976.
Surchamp, Dom Angelico: L'Aventure de Zodiaque, Annales de l'Académie de Mâcon, 2001.