In the beginning was
the Ratio, the
Rationale, which is
a fact, and not
a word. The word
can never be anything but
a means, it cannot
be an end, not even
a beginning.
It points always to what
it is not, and so,
who knows
but the Book of Mormon
believed to be
infallible just might work,
battering the sensibility,
silencing the judging
mind, which is one thing
words can do, but not the words
of a sermon or of a known
author. So. I do not believe
that the Book of Mormon
is a work of the Holy Spirit. So
It is not the words
that save us but
the trust, the hope, the love
(these are the works
of the Holy Spirit) that the words
evoke and maybe
given the right data
already formed and thoroughly
rooted, any
old words would do,
leading as they might
not to understanding but
to what is standing under,
holding everything up, and there
all the words in the world
(necessary as they are
as a function of our weakness)