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The Spanish Polemic on Colonisation

Preface: 1492 and its effects on Ireland


(1) Gunther Hamann: Der Eintritt der südlichen Hemisphäre in die europäische Geschichte.

(2) Delgado: Teocracia Pontifical, p. 299.

(3) Cf. Richard Tuck: Rights of War and Peace, pp. 41-44.

(4) Hanke: All Mankind Is One, p. 37.

(5) Pagden: Lords of All the World, p. 44.

(6) Cf. Shapiro: 1599, Ch. 9.

(7) In Duffy, Edwards, FitzPatrick(eds): Gaelic Ireland.

(8) Ó Cuív (ed): A Poem on the Í Néill. 

(9) Tostado: Irish Influence at the Court of Spain, p. 50.

(10) See Hazard: Faith and Patronage