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Albert Gleizes
‘Souvenirs: le Cubisme, 1908-1914’, Cahiers Albert Gleizes, Association des Amis d’Albert Gleizes, Lyon, 1957. Reprinted, Association des Amis d’Albert Gleizes, Ampuis, 1997.
Gleizes' Souvenirs were written during the war. They are divided into a number of chapters each of which is quite substantial but incomplete. They therefore cover most of his life. The text which is translated here was extracted and published by the Association des Amis d'Albert Gleizes, founded shortly after his death. This little volume has been useful in the historiography of Cubism as a main source for the controversy in the 1911 Salons.
NOTE TO 1957 EDITION: The dots indicate passages that have been suppressed. For the most part they are to do with family memories.
An Artistic Discontent
The Exhibition of the Indépendants in 1911, Room 41
After the Indépendants
Salon d'Automne, 1911 - Room